give me
some dialog
The project "Give me SoMe dialog" wants to develop a digital platform for young people in Helgeland. Through the work regarding Corona, youth dialogue, the Convention on the Rights of the Child(UN), public health work and sustainability goals, the municipalities on Helgeland have had to realize that they do not have good enough solutions for digital dialogue with young people. We want to improve the offer and services the municipalities provide to their young residents.
This project will find concrete solutions on how to carry out digital dialogue and establish a practice with service design within the field. The work in the project will counteract the isolation of children and young people as a result of covid-19 regionally, nationally and internationally. The project recognizes that it is not a final solution to our digital challenges and wants to establish schemes and practices that meet these challenges in a more dynamic way in the future.
Prep Activity – Local people present, the others join online
Norwegian innovation – Planning, financial management and HSE
Swedish steps – Evaluation, planning, financial management and HSE
First step camp
Serbian model – Evaluation, planning, financial management and HSE
Model camp
Final model – Evaluation, planning, financial management and HSE
Working Model Camp
Last stop point – Evaluation, planning, financial management and HSE
Most important
We want to find solutions to problems that all municipalities have and we do not know of any municipalities that have good solutions with digital services. We also expect to see increased knowledge of internationalization our topics and the conditions in other countries. The project will strengthen the competence when it comes to dialogue with young people and has the potential to influence how children and young people view their municipality and what development opportunities they have there. The most important topics of the project: